[Best] Aakash Tablet (Should You Buy Or Not)

I hope you have already gone through my previous article about Aakash Tablet PC (Aakash Tablet PC-The Darker Side) in which i told many key points in which this Tablet PC was lacking behind such as its processor,Battery life And the most important one was GPRS unavailability. I have a good news for all those who were not going to purchase this tablet PC for all this problems( i was also one of them :) ). … [Read more...]

Facebook Status Update Limit Increased

Facebook keep on doing many changes,earlier most of those were disliked by us for eg: image viewer etc.Now facebook increased status update limit from 5000 characters to 63,206 characters,it means almost 12 times.It was firstly informed by facebook journalist page.                     Facebook started with limit of 160 characters … [Read more...]

And Here Google’s Panda Algorithm Fails

Google's Panda algorithm has many pros and cons.For many bloggers it  lead to huge traffic drop and at the same time it lead to huge decrease in traffic for many bloggers.The most disappointing thing is that blogs which are copying unique content are getting higher rank than unique content,This problem is even with great blogs like  matt cutts[Head of Google Webspam Team]'s Blog.I have provided screenshot to … [Read more...]

Aakash Tablet – The Darker Side

I know that may be my this post will amaze you as i earlier admired Aakash Tablet PC a lot.After deeply studying everything about Aakash Tablet PC,I noticed that almost every blogger was blindly appreciating it without reviewing it or knowing anything about it as they just copied pasted posts of aakash tablet pc as it was becoming high ranking keyword. Yap I know its cheapest tablet pc and it comes in two … [Read more...]

How to Make your WordPress TurboFast

Hello Readers First of all warm welcome to my blog.Today i will write about How you can make your Wordpress page loading turbofast.Since according to Matt Cutts(head of Google’s Webspam team) page loading is very significant factor in search engine ranking.Google gives priority to the blogs or sites which load faster.After researching i have found three awesome Wordpress plugins which will make your wordpress … [Read more...]