Facebook Status Update Limit Increased

Facebook keep on doing many changes,earlier most of those were disliked by us for eg: image viewer etc.Now facebook increased status update limit from 5000 characters to 63,206 characters,it means almost 12 times.It was firstly informed by facebook journalist page.                     Facebook started with limit of 160 characters then later march 2009 limit increased to 420 characters,Then later in july 2011 it was increased to 500 characters,Then in september status update limit again increased to 5000 characters(10 times the previous),And in nov 2011 It was more than 12 times of the previous and increased its limit to 63,206 characters.It Roughly means that a novel containing 500,000 characters could be shared in 9 posts.Whereas twitter continued to its limit since starting to 140 characters. Facebook’s Bob Baldwin gave the geeky reason for oddness of  63,206 characters
I set the exact limit to something nerdy. Facebook … Face Boo K … hex(FACE) – K … 64206 – 1000 = 63206 :-) .
Now people who were used to share long posts by using the notes feature and then sharing it.Now you can directly do it with status update even if its a long blog post ;p whats your opinion?Can anyone really make 63206character status update,I am sure if yes then it would be for annoying your friends.How will you take benefit of this increased limit,come on speak up..
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Aakash Goyal

+Aakash+is a tech enthusiast who also keep on discovering latest seo and geeky tips.

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