Google Added Authorship in Image Search

Google’s Image Search gets smarter day by  day. Since the start of this year Google made many changes in image search. Major change was the whole new redesign which reduced the amount of traffic most of web publishers used to get. Now Google has added Authorship in Image Search, may be it can help people knowing the source of the image.


But the point is that it tells the name of person who actually wrote that article and used that image in his article, It doesn’t mean that that person is also source of that image. You can see an example here (I wrote an article and used image shown above but I given credits to state of search for that image and I am not source for that image).


It seems Google will fix it soon with another update 🙂

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Aakash Goyal

+Aakash+is a tech enthusiast who also keep on discovering latest seo and geeky tips.

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